The article you link to isn’t a study proving that the death rate is the same as the flu. It’s an opinion piece that acknowledges that current studies show the death rate to be much, much higher, but argues it MIGHT turn out to be much lower IF it turns out many more people have been infected without symptoms than believed.
And while that is certainly possible and some preliminary serology studies support it, we also are starting to find out that there’s likely been a significant under count of the number of people killed by this virus. The world wide death rate is much, much higher over the last several months than normal even after you account for confirmed coronavirus deaths. That’s why some places have started to included suspected coronavirus deaths in the numbers rather than just those confirmed through testing.
And then you also have to consider the various differences in death rates in different countries, which appears — especially in the Italian example — to be strongly affected by the care people receive. The rate of hospitalization with this disease is quite high, perhaps 20 percent, and when the hospitals are overwhelmed, they can’t provide the care and death rates go up. That’s not really true of the flu.
The rest of what you present is wild conspiracy theories based on nothing more than a paranoid view of the motives of people who are actually trying to do good in the world.
I mean, it’s awful that the thanks a wealthy man like Bill Gates gets for making charitable contributions to WHO is to be accused of manipulating the organization to promote a “depopulation” scheme. And the theory around this makes no sense.
The Quantom dots you mention are a mechanism for tracking who has been vaccinated, not a vaccine itself. It doesn’t require a new disease for him to promote this idea.
And if they’re promoting the seriousness of this disease to sell a vaccine, as you seem to be implying, then where’s the vaccine? We’re months into this. There’s plenty of panic out there that they could be selling it in mass quantities to the whole world. They could get governments to mandate it right now. But they haven’t put one out — because no one has one.
And then this nonsense with the video where you claim the people in it are actors on the basis of nothing more than your apparent belief in your infallible ability to read body language. Just ridiculous.
There is a valid point to be made about the influence of wealthy people like the Gates’ on the media. But that influence isn’t proof that anything they are saying is wrong or the product of some sinister motive.
In short, your reading of your sources is highly selective and wrong and your rampant paranoia — evidently fed by an anti-vaccine agenda — is debilitating to your ability to reason clearly. Ultimately, you believe this is hoax because you want to believe it not because of evidence and I’m quite sure no evidence will help so long as your desire to believe the opposite of the truth so strong.